Light Mode
Vertical Menu with Slider
This pre-defined component is used to display a menu for a group of the sub-pages' links in a vertical menu. It has a static view, which can easily be modified by the developer.
Following is the location of this component.
βββ src
βββ views
βββ components
| βββ home
| | ...
| | βββ vertical-menu-with-slider.twig
This component renderes dynamic content with links and images by looping through items and conditionally adding classes.
<div> {% component menu render_in 'home.vertical-cats' with {title:title, icon:icon} %}
<ul> {% for item in items %}
<a href="{{item.url}}">
<img src="{{ item.image.url }}" alt="{{ item.image.alt }}" />
{% endfor %}
Last modified: 10 months ago