In general, the authentication API allows a developer to control all aspects of a user's identity. It has endpoints for logging in, logging out, and using APIs, among other things. This login endpoint is used to authenticate a user. Either the email or the phone number can be used as a login identifier, which means that the user has two types of login process, email
and phone
The login endpoint has been implemented in the Login Web Component, and It's all setup to save developer's time and effort.
Customer->>Login: Enters email or phone to login
Login->>Backend: Sends payload with email/phone, and requests sending access code
Backend-->>Customer: Sends access code to the customer
Note left of Backend: The access code will sent via email or phone as per customer entry
loop verify (access code check)
Customer->>Login: Enters access code
Note right of Customer: The customer needs to enter the correct code within 30 seconds
Login->>Customer: The customer auth successfully
In the case of using the phone number as a login type, the developer can use the example below to receive the data, and redirect the user accordingly.
type: 'mobile',
phone: '555555555',
country_code: 'SA'
}).then((response) => {
/* add your code here */
On the other hand, when using an email as a login type, the developer can receive the data using the example below and redirect the user accordingly.
type: 'email',
email: '[email protected]'
}).then((response) => {
/* add your code here */
The login process may trigger two events during the login process, onCodeSent and onCodeNotSent.
This event will be triggered when the login process is completed successfully and the loing code has been sent.
salla.event.auth.onCodeSent((response) => {
/* add your code here */
This event will be triggered when a failure occurs in receiving and setting the access code.
salla.event.auth.onCodeNotSent((errorMessage) => {
/* add your code here */