Create Customer
This endpoint allows you to create Customers within your store at Salla by providing the required data in this endpoint.
You may need t...
List Customers
This endpoint lets you list all customers associated with your store and filter them using a keyword. It retrieves customers whose "mobile number...
Customer Details
This endpoint allows you to return a specific customer's details by passing the customer as a path parameter.
:::info[]The rate limit for the cus...
Update Customer
This endpoint allows you to update customer details by passing the customer as a path parameter.
:::tip[Note]The existing values of all skipped param...
Delete Customer
This endpoint allows you to delete a customer from the store customers list by passing the customer as a path parameter.
`customers.read_write`- Cus...
Ban Customer
This endpoint allows you to ban, aka Add to blacklist, one of your customers by passing the customer as a path parameter.
:::tip[Note]Even though ban...
Un-Ban customer
This endpoint allows you to ub-ban (remove from blacklist) one of banned customers by passing the customer as a path parameter.
Import Customers
This endpoint allows you to import customers from an Excel file.
:::info[Information]Check this Merchants Help Desk article for more.:::customers.rea...