This endpoint fetches the last cart created by the customer. In other words, the cart will be fetched based on the latest products.
This endpoint displays an Cart's details for the customer, The cart's items will be listed here along with their details.
Quick Add
The quickAdd endpoint enables the customer to add a product directly from the products list to the cart without the need to open that product page. Un...
Add Item
This addItem endpoint adds an item from the merchant's store to the customer's shopping cart. The customer may select the item, type in the qu...
Delete Item
This endpoint removes an item from the customer's shopping cart. The customer may remove an item by clicking on the "remove from to cart"...
Delete Image
This endpoint removes an image file attached to an item already added to the cart by the customer.
Add Coupon
A coupon is a code that consists of a special series of characters, or string, used by customers to get a discounted price or limited offer on the car...
Remove Coupon
A coupon is a code can be removed by customers, this will revert any added discounted price or limited offer on the cart's items. This remove end...
Get Upload Image
This endpoint allows the user to add an image file to the cart in the case that the user needs to attach an image to the order it is placing through t...
Get Quick Order Settings
The Get Quick Order Settings endpoint retrieves the configuration settings for a merchant's quick order feature, including the title, sub-title, t...
Create Quick Order
This endpoint enables the user to select particular items, complete the purchase of that item, and then proceed directly to the checkout page to compl...
Order Status
This endpoint returns the current status of a cart, including whether it is active or not, and the next step to take. The next step can be either to r...
Get Current Cart Id
This endpoint returns the unique identifier (ID) of the current cart associated with a particular user or session. It is used to retrieve the current ...
Price Quote
The priceQuote endpoint calculates and returns a price quote for the items in a cart. This endpoint takes into account any discounts, taxes, shipping ...